Roles and responsibilities
Leads and guidesthe Employee Relations Team in their day-to-dayoperations.
Collaborate withHR Manager and propose and suggest employee relations strategiesaligned with organizationalobjectives.
Provide guidanceon policy interpretation to Management and employees, wheneverrequired.
Manage and resolveemployee relations issues, and disciplinarycases.
Conduct thoroughinvestigations into employee complaints, ensuring fair andimpartial resolutions.
Actas a key liaison between employees and management to facilitatetransparentcommunication.
Leadnegotiations and settlements when necessary, emphasizing positiveemployee relations.
Assistand support HR Manager in addressing legal issues related toemployee relations.
Stayabreast of changes in employment laws and regulations, ensuringorganizational practices remaincompliant.
Manage allemployment contracts, by monitoring company payroll, reviewing andvalidating eligible allowance and benefits, while ensuringcompliance with the applicable laws andrequirements.
Manage alladministrative circulars and decisions (e.g. early retirementprogram, promotion, employee transfer, penalties imposed onemployees, employeeloans).
Manage communicationwith employees with regards to their action letters (i.e.promotions, salary adjustments, disciplinaryactions…etc.).
Overseeemployees’ data and records and ensure theirconfidentiality.
ManageHRMS’s master data and ensure it’s up to dateand accurate.
Review andvalidate new joiners’ salary and applicable allowance andbenefits.
Review andvalidate payments to employees, i.e., reimbursements to ensuretheir compliance with pertainingpolicies / contract.
Provideescalation support with suggestions to ensure all queries relatedto employees are addressed in a promptmanner.
Desired candidate profile
Qualifications :
Experience :
To provide comprehensive Employee Relationsworkforce data reports which show the performance of the employeesin terms of sickness, turnover, staff costs, dismissals,suspensions, and grievances.
To use this data tohelp the HR Manager, Leads formulate leadership and line managementdevelopment programs.
To use his / her EmployeeRelations expertise and findings from different data sources tofeed into the department’s annual action plan in terms ofaddressing and mitigating risk.
StrengtheningEngagement and Learning
to work with the Learning andDevelopment Specialist to help coordinate a rigorous management byobjectives culture through annual Appraisal (PMS) and subsequentsupervision practice.
Quality, Health, Safety, Environment &Security (QHSES) :
Adhere to all relevant QHSESpolicies, procedures, instructions, and controls so that QFABprovides a safe, world Class, secure and environmentallyresponsible service to customers, the public and its own people.
Others :
Carry out any otherduties as directed by the HR Manager.