Roles and responsibilities
The role holders will performNon-Destructive Examination including all advanced techniques (ET,IRIS, Thermography, PMI, RT Film interpretation) and otherinspection related activities as per international codes andstandards in order to identify any abnormalities if present in anequipment / item or part of and report the same to the superiorsfor further evaluation. They should assist the Lead Plant Inspectorin report generation, work-order time entry and work order closing.Their responsibilities alsoinclude :
- Should supervise contractorNDT technicians to carryout inspection activities and areaccountable for the timely completion, quality assurance of NDTwork carried out by them.
- They should be ableto carry out at least one of the following I&MT tasks : Stores Incoming material inspection, lifting equipment Inspection,Metallography sample preparation and expertise in one of theadvanced NDT.
- They must ensure that allactivities are carried out in compliance with QAFCO OccupationalHealth, Quality, Safety and Environmentprocedures.
Responsible for effectiveimplementation of all required clauses of ISO 17020 in his area ofresponsibility.
KeyAccountabilities :
Carry out theassigned Non - Destructive Testing activities including alladvanced techniques (ET, IRIS, Thermography, PMI, RT Filminterpretation) independently to ensure work is completed on timeand to the required qualitystandards.Supervise contractor NDT techniciansto carry out various inspection activities during on-line andshut-down inspection activities.Provide adviceon completion of work by completing standard reports / work sheetsin order that superior is able to effectively monitor overall workprogress against plans.Should be able to carryout at least one of the following Inspection activities. StoresIncoming material inspection, Lifting equipment Inspection andMetallography sample preparation.Applytechnical expertise in resolving problems referred by NDTtechnicians and escalate those beyond owncapability.Maintain inspection activityrecords and update online systems to ensure that activities arereported, and online data is up to date. Make sure that all theapproved report hard copies are properly filed.They should assist the Lead Plant Inspector inreport generation, work-order time entry and work orderclosing.Carry out house-keeping activities toensure workplace is clean, tidy andsafeInitiate and gain approval for workpermits in order to facilitate the execution of assigned tasks incompliance with safety and environmentalsystem.Identify problems and report findingson the status of equipment in regard to safety and servicereliability in order to avert possible malfunction ofequipment.Ensure tools, equipment,consumables, and spares are available and that they are used in theproper manner. That they are well maintained in order to preserveasset value and prolong life span.Participatein the on-the-job training of new and trainee / Hired techniciansto ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills toindependently perform inspectiontasks.Responsible for effective implementationof all required clauses of ISO 17020 in his area ofresponsibility.Desired candidate profile
Diploma in Mechanical or MetallurgicalEngineering and have special training in basic NDT techniques,holding official certificates in UT and RT, ASNT levelII.A minimum of 7 years direct and relevantexperience from a large chemical plant, preferably Ammonia and Ureafertilizer plant.Capable of reading P& ID’s and isometricdrawingsKnow the different levels ofnondestructive testing (NDT) andcertification.Know radioactive elements andthe hazard they cause to human beings; the processes forradiography testing (RT), Know different processes of infraredthermography testing (IRTT); Know the processes for magneticparticle testing (MPT); Know different processes for ultrasonictesting (UT), Know the process for liquid penetrant testing (LPT);Know different inspection techniques for pipelines and theircoating; Know how to use visual testing tools to look for defects;Know various inspection techniques;Know therequirements of welding inspection, internationally recognizedwelding certifying authorities and weldercertification.KeySkills
NDT,Supervisory Skill,TechnicalSkill
Employment Type : Full-time
Department / Functional Area : Technical Services
Experience : Not Mentioned years
Gender : Male
Vacancy : 1
Joining Date : Sat, 25 Jan2025