GovCIO is currently hiring for a Fire Protection Engineering SME to provide advisory and assistance services (A&AS) in support of the construction-engineering components of Program & Design Integration (PDI) for the U.S. Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) Theater Support Group at Al Udeid Air Base (AUAB), Qatar
The TSG main office headquartered at Al Udeid AB to coordinate U.S. operational requirements and finite details associated with the strategic area development, design, construction, and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) acceptance of specific projects and activities delivered by the Host Nations at both AUAB and ADAB. Inherent to the name, TSG provides installations and sites across AFCENT’s regional control which may include US-funded MILCON requirements as well as requirements that falls below MILCON thresholds.
Works on Military Construction (MILCON) equivalent projects, but may include sustainment, repair, renovation, and maintenance requirements below MILCON equivalent thresholds to meet final development area needs. Employee will act as subject-matter expert and adviser that will monitor these Host Nation project’s associated design and construction activities, and report on such activities to the TSG office to advocate for U.S. interests. Employee will holistically review, evaluate and advise on design / construction for all projects regardless of funding source to ensure projects meet complete and usable requirements and ensure full compliance within Title 10 of the U.S. Code.
Tasks include, but are not limited to, assisting in the review / qualification of the following TSG conducted activities : field surveys, under the AFCENT span of control, and investigations to acquire project scope, design data, plans / program monitoring, capability or requirement studies, evaluations, consultations, interior facility / functional reviews, topographic and / or geotechnical studies and hazardous materials assessments. Tasks include, but are not limited to, facility and infrastructure construction / renovation projects by credentialed architects and engineers.
SMEs will monitor and report on progress by conducting design reviews, monitor Host Nation performed quality assurance (QA) / quality control (QC) inspections to ensure U.S. interests are met, ensure any unique HN / US facility acceptance requirements are met, and ensure adherence to applicable specifications and submittal reviews.
Advises on other Construction-Engineering services that are not connected with specific construction projects but are necessary to preserve AFCENT interests in Host Nation, or US funded, executed projects. Advisory services on construction and engineering tasks include but are not limited to the review of wide range of Host Nation executed tests, evaluations, consultations, design criteria, comprehensive and conceptual design planning, program monitoring, drawing reviews, surveying and mapping, preparing operations and maintenance manuals, and services performed by credentialed architects, engineers or their employees to ensure code compliance and end-user requirements are being met. Employee will :
- Support design charrettes.
- Support the AFCENT TSG in host nation design review meetings
- Facilitate Design Integration meetings
- Support U.S. / Host Nation Collaboration and Integration meetings
- Conduct complete, independent technical reviews of US / Host Nation Design / Bid / Build (DBB) design deliverables.
- Perform Professional Planning and Programming
Lines of effort for the Construction and Engineering Services PDI contract team include, but are not limited to, the following :
Provide design requirements to assist with design development and construction integrationSecurity aspects and technology integrationFurnishings, fixtures, and equipment planning and delivery integrationProgram / project controls and reportingThe Fire Protection Engineering SME is expected to :
Review and analyze preliminary, interim, find project plans and specifications for technical efficiency and adequacy.Review and provide general monitoring on Host Nation funded project development work for new construction, renovation, and improvement projects for real property facilities, including utility systems, according to all laws, codes, guidelines, and criteria as required. Projects are related to a wide variety of facilities and infrastructure systems, including earthwork; airfield and roadway pavement systems; high and low voltage electrical systems; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); water and sewage (plumbing); fire suppression; control and alarm systems; etc. which interface with other engineering specialties.Interpret methods and approaches in developing project calculations, layouts, drawings, and specifications that support project objectives and standards.Review and provide general monitoring on conceptual studies and sketches that indicate pertinent project features, material, equipment, and specifications.Monitor all project phases with appropriate managers and staff elements and shall maintain current engineering data for assigned projects.Coordinate projects with AFCENT TSG for engineers in other disciplines, operations personnel (e.g., Electric, Power Production, HVAC, Structures, Pavements and Equipment, and Utilities shops) and other U.S. Government entities to include Wing Safety, Force Protection, Security Forces, Communications, Fire Department, and Medical Group to verify safety, constructability, operability, maintainability, and all project considerations have been addressed.Perform reviews of Host Nation funded engineering investigative services as requested by the AFCENT TSG. Investigations can include electrical power studies, water and wastewater flow and system testing and analysis, and HVAC testing, among others.Monitor and report on projects for new construction, renovations, and improvements to real property facilities and infrastructure utilizing a professional knowledge of engineering. Projects include work on roads, drainage systems, utility systems, installation utility plants, airfield runways, maintenance shops / hangars, recreation facilities, administrative offices, dormitories, etc.Review as-built drawings at the end of constructionMonitor and report new projects for construction, renovations, and improvements to real property facilities from start to finish, including utility systems, utilizing a professional knowledge of civil / structural, mechanical and electrical engineering with no more than two (2) missed inspections, pre-construction surveys, surveys, or reviews per month.Obtained documented Host Nation surveillance and verify overall compliance with AFCENT TSG on contracted specifications, schedules, approved drawings, and statement of work.Monitor and report on assigned projects and review specifications and schedules.Verify construction for design compliance and assist with resolution of differences between the U.S. and Host Nation building code.Efficiently use computers / computer software including Microsoft Office, computer aided design and drafting (CADD) programs (AutoCAD), and project tracking programs (Microsoft Project), GIS, and other engineering calculation software packages to solve engineering problems and facilitate work as needed.Advise HN construction regarding installation development, and / or O&M functions to ensure that the U.S. requirement is met. The Contractor shall monitor construction projects for new construction, renovations, and improvements to real property facilities from start to finish, including the performance of pre-construction site surveys all the way to completion of as-built drawings.Comply with health, safety, and environmental rules and procedures and perform work in a manner that enhances the safety of the work environment. The Contractor shall ensure federal and local codes concerning health, safety, and environment to include DoD, Air Force engineering design guidance and standards such as UFC, AFIs (Series 32), Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) laws, codes, guidelines, criteria, and standards in the design and construction of real property facilities.Assist in base master planning, community planning initiatives and assist the Chief of Portfolio Optimization by ensuring new project requirements comply with current and in-work Site Master Plan (SMP).Prepare necessary documents and presentations accurately and timely.Review and coordinate document preparation, implementation, and maintenance of the SMP.Maintain the SMP in a current status and implement changes as the mission directs.Review proposed facility siting locations and alternatives for compatibility with elements (e.g., noise, airfield and airspace criteria, explosives quantity distance criteria, aircraft accident potential, flood hazards, soil control, natural resources protection, etc.) and recommend approval / disapproval of waivers to assure SMP elements are adhered to.Maintain correspondence and map files on all information pertaining to site approvals, base comprehensive planning, and airfield criteria waivers.Effectively review all siting requests for compatibility with existing structures and the overall SMP and continually re-evaluate and update the plan to ensure currency based on changing requirements and data.Continually re-evaluate and update the plan to ensure currency based on changing requirements and data.Represent the AFCENT TSG in all areas of community planning at meetings, conferences, and hearings and regularly represent the TSG in discussions with other USAF units and other DoD service branches. The Contractor shall meet with all representatives to identify problems and potential impacts, and shall select a logical approach to problem solving, relying on accepted planning practices and precedents. The Contractor shall normally represent all base planning interests in an effective and professional manner and routinely communicate effectively with others, both orally and in writing.Monitor and report on Host Nation executed surveying services and ensure integration of data from any source into the Geographic Information System (GIS) / AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 databases, as-built location surveys, construction stakeouts, topographic, location and boundary surveys as needed.Ensure all surveys / maps are tied to geodetic monuments set by the Government for both horizontal and vertical control and monitor Host Nation contractor and local documentation as required.Monitor and maintain Government Furnished Property (GFP) and notify the respective installation’s ECES designated representative or COR of needed factory / repair center level maintenance and calibration of any assigned equipment.Assist as a Special Projects Liaison with US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) or other design and operating agencies as required. Contractor personnel shall work primarily with AFCENT TSG, local / host ECES unit, AFCEC and USACE to identify and analyze problems and develop technical solutions. The Contractor shall also work with other respective AUAB and ADAB units to analyze problems and develop technical solutions as needed.Attend all meetings and inspections pertaining to assigned projects.Maintain all continuity from one (1) rotation to the next, ensuring continual process improvement.All engineering design criteria and specifications shall incorporate the most stringent US and Host Nation codes and standards. Standards shall include Host Nation and US Standards.
Bachelor's with 5 - 8 years (or commensurate experience)
Required Skills and Experience
Must have a Bachelor's Degree in Fire Protection Engineering with 5 years’ experience. A degree in either, Mechanical, Electrical, or other directly related engineering field is also acceptable. A Fire Protection Engineer Registration is preferred.Generally, a credentialed professional (a) is licensed to practice in the location where a facility is located and / or (b) commands the necessary expertise, in terms of knowledge and experience, to undertake the specified task.Must be capable of fire protection design analysis including determination of sprinkler and alarm systems, and equipment selection.Must be able to fluently read, write, speak, and understand English.Must be able to attend all meetings required for projects or investigative / project development tasks.Must be capable of reviewing host nation provided design submittalsMust be capable of supporting construction inspections and submittal reviews beyond the expertise of construction inspectors.Clearance Required : SecretJP #OCONUS #NSS